Deke's Beat of the Week - Matt Chandler

Posted by WBFJ | | Posted on 1:19 PM

The other morning I had the incredible pleasure of listening to a new pastor (new to me anyway) named Matt Chandler.  Matt is pastor at the Village Church in Texas and recently spoke at a Desiring God Conference to pastors.  The message I heard was titled, A Shepherd and His Unregenerate Sheep, and dealt with the problem of false converts in the church as well as the lack of the gospel and doctrine in churches.

His text was 1 Timothy 4 and was a admonition to lift up doctrine and the gospel and to forsake the irreverent and silly teachings that are so evident today in our churches.

Here is a sample of this teaching:

For the full video or audio of this teaching you can click HERE.  I highly recommend this for anyone in a ministry.  Whether you are a pastor or a just involved in a ministry I strongly encourage you to listen to this teaching.  It is powerful and theologically sound.  It is encouraging to see a young pastor with a passion for the word of God.

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