Deke's Newsletter Devotion - March 13th

Posted by WBFJ | | Posted on 11:56 AM

1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 1:1-3

Yesterday, amidst sick children and a mess of a house I sat down with my young ones and we opened up God's word for a family devotion. I opened up the Bible to one of my favorite passages of all time, 1 Colossians 3. The reason I like this passage is because it is a beautiful dose of reality in a world that refuses to see it.

In this passage of Colossians we are told to set our minds on things above. I know there is a saying out there that says, "don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthy good." To that I say - yeah right. The problem is that we are too earthly minded that we are no earthy or heavenly good. We are more concerned with money, stuff, partying, schedules, pleasure and ourselves that we do not take time to focus on the reality of things.

What is that reality?

The reality is that Jesus is King and the Father reigns on high. That this world is but a holding cell for the perfect kingdom to come. That one day our King will step out of heaven and return to this earth to judge all those who have ever lived. For those who have been born-again it will be a glorious day of seeing our Lord return to His creation. For those who rejected His mercy and instead rebelled against Him there will be nothing but fear and trembling.

In verse 1 we are to see that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. This is significant because Jesus is known as our high priest and in the temple the priest never sat because there was always work to be done, sacrifices to be made, and prayers to be offered. Christ is seated because His death and resurrection paid the price once for all. He was the lamb who was slaughtered so that our sins could be forgiven for all eternity.

The other significant detail is that Christ is at the right hand of the Father. The right hand is always a sign of authority. Jesus has been given all authority over all of creation. When the time comes for those who rejected Christ's sacrifice to be judged they will not stand before an apostle or a church leader - they will stand before the one they mocked and hated. They will stand before Jesus Christ.

One of the reasons I decided to write on this passage was because as I watch the news and read headlines I am aware of so many world events that seem to be lining up and preparing our world for what the Bible talks about. So many Biblical prophecies have already come true (including Israel returning to their land) and only a few remain unfulfilled. There is no question whether they will or not (scripture's track record is 100%) the question is when. When will our world settle under one government & leader? When will Israel be attacked and we witness God supernaturally intervene? When will millions of people disappear from this planet leaving family and friends behind?

So this week I challenge you (like I have myself) to focus on things above this week. How do we do that? We read God's word and meditate on it. We filter the news and events of our day through God's word and trust in Him. We concern ourselves more with the kingdom of heaven than we do with our little kingdom here on earth. We remember that what we see and what we have will one day burn up like chaff and that this world will one day change forever. It will be new, it will be better, it will be perfect. That is our home...not this earth. What a glorious day that will be, when we know as we are known. When the Lord lives among His people for all eternity.

Are you ready for it?

Do you know the King?

He is ready.

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